Visitation Information

RiverView Senior Resort is committed to keeping our residents and employees protected. We are taking the following necessary precautions, including:

The Visitation Policy is designed to promote resident, visitor, and employee safety and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The community does not restrict visitation.

As per Florida Statute 408.823, the Executive Director is responsible for ensuring that staff adhere to the policies and procedures.

The general outline of the program is as follows:

  1. All individuals who enter the building will be asked to check-in using the visitor kiosk. This includes vendors, third party providers, and visitors.
  2. Visitors are not compelled to be screened due to the public health emergency being lifted on May 11, 2023.
  3. Visitors are not compelled to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization. Consensual physical contact between a resident and the visitor is allowed.
  4. There is no time limit for visitation
  5. There is no limit on the number of visitors allowed per visit
  6. Any expectations set forth in this policy will never exceed those of which apply to the employees of the community


Only Emergency Personnel and employees are permitted entry without using visitor kiosk prior to entry.

Essential Caregivers, new residents, visitors, volunteers, and vendors are permitted entry only after following the visitor check-in process below:

Visitor Check-In Process

  1. Ensure hand sanitizer is available to them near the visitor check-in kiosk
  2. Ask the individual to follow the prompts on the visitor check-in kiosk
  3. If the individual is a first-time visitor, offer them the Infection Control Training and Education Policies Business Card with the QR Code that links to the Required Visitation Infection Control Training Materials
    1. If they are unable to access the web training, offer the visitor hard copies
  4. If the individual’s loved one is in Transition, it is recommended that they wear a KN-95 mask, gown, and face shield. An N95 mask may be offered upon request.
    1. Provide the individual with any personal protective equipment (PPE) needed prior to permitting entry


In the event a visitor violates the community’s policies and procedures as outlined and agreed to in the visitor check-in kiosk process, the community reserves the right to suspend in-person visitation from that specific visitor.

Essential Caregivers
A resident or their responsible party may designate anyone they choose as an Essential Caregiver. There are no limits on the number of identified Essential Caregivers per resident.

Special Circumstances
In the event a Local, State or Federal agency might require restriction, the Essential Caregiver will be allowed in all the following circumstances, unless the resident objects:

  1. End-of-life situations
  2. A resident who was living with family before moving into the community is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in-person family support
  3. The resident is making one or more major medical decisions
  4. A resident is experiencing emotional distress
  5. A resident is grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died
  6. A resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver
  7. A resident who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking During these times, visits must be conducted in the residents’ room.

Visitor Facial Coverings

Visitors are not required to wear facial coverings unless the resident’s health care provider or health care practitioner requires the visitor to wear a facial covering if the visitor is:

  1. Exhibiting signs or symptoms of or has a diagnosed infectious disease that can be spread through droplet or airborne transmission
  2. Visiting a resident whose diagnosis places the resident at an increased risk and the use of a facial covering is necessary for the resident’s safety

Visitation (Created 4/95, Rev. 4/17, Upd. 11/21, Rev. 6/24)

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